All memberships are currently fully booked. If you are interested in being put on the waiting list, please send me an email with your details.
You have already attended a pottery course and would like to keep on going with your pottery career? You can register for a membership at studio idakumori to come by and do pottery on your own during the open studio times. Please send me an e-mail for more information if you are interested!
The membership duration is at least for 3 months to get into the flow and the studio is a very personal place with only a few members, allowing you to fully concentrate on your new passion. There are only two wheels, which means there is enough space and always good conversations!
I offer membership classes every month and we do membership activities together as well.
The membership is generally intended to be in the workshop 1 to 2 times a week.
3 months: 200 chf / month
6 months: 180 chf / month
+ 3h / half year of guests at the studio
12 months: 150 chf / month
+ 6h / year of guests at the studio
clay: 25 CHF/kg
porcelain: 30 CHF/kg
open studio times in general (The times of the open workshop may vary slightly depending on the course schedule)
3-5 times during the week / from 6pm on
whole weekend (except one sunday a month)
Looking forward to hearing from you!
If you are interested, please send me a message with brief information about your pottery experience. You are also welcome to come by to take a look at the studio.
CHF 150.00
1 vorrätig
studio idakumori
Geerenweg 23b 10.1
8048 Zürich Altstetten
Brunngass Keramik